Monday, January 29, 2024

Press Release

LITTLE ROCK, AR — On Monday, January 22, the Arkansas Progressive Democrats Caucus voted by an overwhelming majority to adopt a resolution calling for Covid-19 mitigation measures. You can view the resolution in its entirety linked here.

The purpose of this resolution is to push the Democratic Party of Arkansas to adopt safer practices and push for meaningful legislative policy to mitigate harm in this ongoing health crisis. While the Republican party as a whole has tried to deny the existence or severity of the pandemic, the Democrats since Biden's election have also erred in declaring the pandemic over too soon.

According to the Arkansas Department of Health, over 73,000 cases and over 500 deaths were recorded in 2023. However, the newest strain, JN.1, has taken over as the most common strain per NPR on January 25. This strain is extremely virulent and has more severe symptoms. In addition, multiple infections put everyone at risk for Long Covid.

Caucus co-chair Chenoa Summers has advocated for mitigation measures for years, stating “Democrats have a moral responsibility to be inclusive of all, and that means being inclusive of those with disabilities and those who are immunocompromised. The science tells us that Covid-19 is preventable and that masks and good air ventilation is the key to preventing the spread of Covid-19. It is time the Democratic Party of Arkansas leads by example and implements masking at future state committee meetings and state convention events.”

The caucus is reaching out to other auxiliaries and county chairs of the Democratic Party of Arkansas as well as the state party leadership to adopt this resolution as a joint resolution, or to adopt similar language.

The caucus looks forward to having productive discussions with Democratic Party of Arkansas leadership on mitigation measures for future party events.

Questions about the resolution or the APDC can be directed to Joshua Vail at 



Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Press Release

LITTLE ROCK, AR — On Monday, December 18, the Arkansas Progressive Democrats Caucus voted by an overwhelming majority to adopt a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire in Israel and Palestine. You can view the resolution in its entirety linked here.

Much of the language in Monday’s resolution was adapted from a resolution released by the Texas Democratic Party. The caucus commends the integrity and dedication to justice exhibited by the Texas Democratic Party and hopes that other state party chapters follow suit.

Caucus co-chair Chenoa Summers has advocated for a permanent ceasefire, stating “Arab and Palestinian Arkansans have lost family members during this conflict and deserve to know where Democrats in Arkansas stand when it comes to the ethnic cleansing of their people.”

The caucus is reaching out to other auxiliaries and county chairs of the Democratic Party of Arkansas as well as the state party leadership to adopt this resolution as a joint resolution, or to adopt similar language.

The APDC believes such resolutions are an important part of pressuring political leaders to ensure that Americans aren’t complicit in war crimes committed with the material support of the United States government using taxpayer money. 

Questions about the resolution or the APDC can be directed to Joshua Vail at 


Cemex ruling piece